本學期填答期間為: 113.05.20(一) 至 113.06.14(五) (部分課程系所自訂施測日期,不在此限內)。
教學意見反應調查目的 :主要為瞭解同學們學習狀況可作為教師調整教學或改進教學技巧的參考,有助於本校教學品質的提昇。
〈填 答 管 道〉
- The online student course feedback questionnaires system will be open from May 20, 2024 to June 14, 2024. Students can log in to the system via the Cheng Kung Portal (https://i.ncku.edu.tw/) or the link on the website of the Center for Teaching and Learning Development (http://tfcfd.acad.ncku.edu.tw/) to fill out the questionnaires.
- Students who have completed their online questionnaires will be given priority to enroll in their preferred courses.
- The questionnaire results will be delivered only to each chairman of department/institute/program and instructor of each course for reference. The identity of any respondent will be absolutely confidential.
Contact Person:
Ms. Tien
Staff Member of the Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Office of Academic Affairs
Extension: 50202-23
E-mail: z11104006@ncku.edu.tw